Dem Gainz and Losses

I’ve been faithful (mostly) to this leaky gut plan so far and am down 6lbs! Not quite to where I was at the wedding, but still, it’s great. That and my stomach looks so much flatter since starting, so I’m basically stoked. My problem is I love chocolate, so when the cravings get really bad, I have a spoonful of Nutella, which may be the reason I’ve stalled in my loss at the moment… All sugar is a no no when you think you have Candida. But, it’s only been a little over a week since starting this and I’m determined to see it through.

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On another positive note, my lifting has been fantastic. I’ve never been a big fan of gyms in general, but since weight training I am completely addicted. The other day I went to buy an XL kennel for a dog we’re adopting (which, by the way, we’re adopting a dog!!!), and the lady working there was having issues carrying the things out of the back. I ran over to help and she started to say “Oh! Maybe if we both grab it…” when I lifted it out of her hands and carried it out the door. Yes ma’am, I am that strong. Mainly because I forsake cardio for the sweet bliss of the bench press!

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But seriously, if I can get up almost two hours before I would normally get up for work on a constant basis, then you know I’m addicted. Because of it, I actually was able to buy a shirt that I normally would never have fit into because my arms have always been so large, but since I’m starting to see definition in there, such shirts are no longer out of reach for me.

That’s about it for this post. Hope everyone is finding what works for them and keeping at it! Have a wonderful day and remember, you are amazing!


Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I’m BACK! I am so very sorry for the last two weeks. To be honest I was struggling with the thought of putting the blog down completely because I was getting so frustrated with everything. Not only was I not losing weight, but I was gaining and my clothes weren’t fitting and basically I was an emotional wreck. So husband and I sat down and he had me go to the Keto Calculator to figure out what I needed and why my macros weren’t being fulfilled. I was eating well, and staying keto, but nothing was happening for me and he was losing crazy fast, so I thought “what could it hurt for two weeks?”. He came up with a meal plan for me and I swear to you, after 1 day I was down significantly. I am sticking to the thought that I married a magic man, because it’s been amazing. I’m now under where I was when I ended the Clean Burn Shape cleanse, but without the lack of sleep, emotional turmoil, or being hungry all the time. I’m also down in inches AND fit into a dress yesterday that I have never been able to fit into before. It called for a date night so we went to a stirfry place where we would stay on the diet and then saw Pixels in 3D. It was a good day.



Also, speaking of good days, I was able to grow my own SCOBY and am now on my 3rd batch, and my 2nd round of flavorings. It is so good and saving us so much money! So far my favorite is ginger peach, but here’s a tip… If you’re going to do this at home adding ginger to your bottles super carbonates it. I’m talking a within a day dealing with ‘a shaken bottle of champagne’ carbonates it. More than once have I sprayed my kitchen with frothy kombucha, much to my husband’s annoyance. But hey, it’s a small price to pay for a healthy body, right? Though I have not stopped ait locking the ginger infused bottles, only covering them to keep the fruit flies out. Because, something I didn’t know, kombucha attracts fruit flies and gnats by the horde. It has been awful. A friend told me about a death trap involving an unused SCOBY, dish soap, and foil poked with tiny holes. I may just have to create one… But for now I’m looking forward to trying my newest batches. Among my flavors I have cherry vanilla, strawberry ginger, and strawberry-vanilla-sriracha. That last one should be quite interesting! I’ll let you know how it goes.

Thank you for being patient with me during the last month of frustrated rants and absences. I am back on track, and praying you’re also doing wonderful on your own journey. Have a most wonderful day!


Here’s the Plan!

Ok friends, gather round. Now it may seem like a long road, but I have faith that it can be reached! We just may cry a bit on the way there…or a lot, I won’t judge… but I refuse to stay in this state. In all my years of trying to lose weight only two plans have worked for me: Reboot with Joe (If you haven’t, I suggest watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix. There’s also a sequel now! Very inspiring), and the Keto diet. Due to this, I’m going to start my weight loss journey off with a juice cleanse. If you’re reading this and want to know more http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/ is a great resource. Last time I did the guided 15 day reboot and lost about 20 lbs!

Here’s the thing about my plan, though… these two lifestyles are in complete opposition to one another. On one hand, you have juicing/clean eating which is all about fresh fruits and veggies, and packing your body with micronutrients. Keto on the other hand is all about high fat, low carb. Lots of dairy, meat, and, well, bacon. Lots and lots of bacon. If you abstain from such foods there is a vegetarian version! I just found it easier to eat the meat. Was I happy about it? Not really, but I lost about 15 lbs on it.

My problem when going on a plan like either of these is that I get SO tired of the lack of choices in my diet. With juicing it’s so much produce that I would punch a hobo for a steak (not really… I’m a very nice person, but cravings make you want to do crazy things sometimes…). But in Keto, I get tired of the meat and cheese and just want a bowl full of cherries and a banana, neither of which are really permitted in order to stay in Ketosis (the process of your body burning fat instead of carbs). Because of this, I’m going to go on a 10 day juice cleanse (more if I can manage, but 10 seems like a good number), only drinking fresh juice, and eating micronutrient foods when I need some fiber filling! Then, after I’m good and juiced (and more importantly plotting my violent actions in order to get steak), I will switch over to Keto with my husband. The biggest obstacle I can see for myself is that my husband is on Keto now, so as I’m making my apple, celery, kale, whatever concoction, he’s going to be frying up all sorts of delicious smelling foods… If you have never juiced or fasted before you underestimate how mouthwatering any food that is not juice smells. Even from a mile away…or two.

Unfortunately, it’s going to take me a couple days to get the produce needed to start this thing since we don’t get paid until Thursday, but until then I’m starting my exercise routine. Better safe than sorry starting out, so we’ll be following “DoYouYoga” 30 day challenge on youtube + some DVD workout in my collection. Ready? Get set…. GO!