Good News Bad News

Hi. So like the title says, good news bad news. The good news is that hubby just got a new job and we’re very excited, and also I tried a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class over the weekend and loved it! Though my body still aches (but that’s part of why I loved it). The bad news is that I am having a much harder time than expected getting back on Schmilk. Especially since hubby has decided it’s not for him… I was already struggling because while it tastes really good, I’m a savory lover, not sweet. I could eat pasta and bread and steak and whatever all day every day and be happy (with a little chocolate thrown in here and there for balance). So having a chocolate shake for every meal is not quite as satisfying as one would think. However, like I have said before when I actually stick to it and get my shakes in on time, the cravings are almost nonexistent.

That being said. I’m going to take the next week off blogging again to really take time to think about why I keep sabotaging myself in these diets. They work, then a take a cheat day, then it’s train wreck city with no going back. I don’t understand why this happens or why my stubbornness and mad self control don’t kick in when it comes to eating the way I should when it’s so apparent in every other part of my life. Gotta get this figured out if I am ever to see results *sigh* Have a wonderful week!

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