Schmilk Day 6

I have maintained at 232 today, but lord help me! I got a deal in my email about a sale on sub sandwiches down the road…And after Hubby decided he will no longer be Schmilking with me, I am sad, hungry, and would love nothing more than to shovel some sammich in my face. But now it comes to weighing whether instant gratification will rule, or the thought of finally being under 200lbs for the first time in years will. I did have an encouraging dream the other night about realizing out of nowhere that I was actually fit and just stared at myself in the mirror….when hubster shook me awake to walk the dog. I wasn’t happy.


I will say, I did take a photo of bloated belly me and combined it next to a photo of what it would be nice to look like with the words “this is why” for times like this. I’ll go stare at that a while before I make my decision. That and start looking at halloween costumes! But dang, the weekend really threw me off… However, if I can keep up and consistently lose just 1lb a day (which is doable for my body when I don’t eat inflammatory foods), I’ll be 180 by halloween. It was slowed a bit this week by food choices, as well as the fact that we’re watching a foster dog so it’s been difficult to get out of the house, meaning no gym this week. Boo.

Grrr… I’ll see you all Monday.

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