Schmilk Day 5, Take 2

Yesterday did not go quite as planned. Turns out, we were out of milk after I made my first shake. And what was a girl to do? Go to the store? Pshhh, nope. Not this girl…apparently. Totally had Chinese food last night. Yeah… about that. Not my greatest choice. We were actually headed to a legit ramen place, which I can kind of write off as okay because they use actual bone broth as the base which is REALLY good for your gut. However, ten minutes into the drive, hubby tells me he hasn’t eaten in 12 hours and is obviously getting grumpier by the second, so we compromise and pull off at a nearby Chinese place saying we’ll get ramen another time.


Today has been on track, though. I scrounged up some almond milk that was hiding from the move (in cartons, and still good), added a little cream to it, and came out slightly under calories. Or probably right at calories since I also had a bit of coffee today. Not too shabby. Was 234 this morning, but dedicated to getting back on it. And I even have milk now! Here’s to being under 230 by Monday, yeah? Have a great day!

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