Schmilk Day 4

I find myself, the past few days, watching youtube videos of Buzfeed’s “people trying food from other countries” videos. Granted, I loved them before, but I found it funny that while I’m on nothing but Schmilk, I’m watching people eat all these exotic snacks. I passed on the gym last night as I was not in the mood to do non-flow body flow with the instructor that teaches Thursday nights, but I probably should have done something. It’s easier to say the next day, right?

Day 3 was actually harder than day two for the opposite reason… I couldn’t finish my last shake. Like I felt bloated and just way too full, so I left it for a few hours and tried to come back to it, but still, no go. So yesterday was 3 and a half(ish) shakes and one beef stick. The only thing that really changed was that I started back up on my food grade diatomaceous earth yesterday morning. If you’re looking at that word and wondering what the heck I’m talking about, it’s something I learned about during my blogging hiatus.

I honestly don’t remember where I first heard about it, though it was probably a recommended precursor to a liver flush. The first week I started taking it…oh my god. They say that something like 80% of the population has some kind of parasite (gross), and when I read that it was really hard for me to believe that that could be true. Then I started the DE. I am 99% sure I passed parasites in my first week cleansing. You can be sure I googled the things coming out of me, and it was not okay. After the first sighting I called my mom and she started grossing out yelling “I AM EATING!”…my bad. But I gave her a few pounds of my food grade DE and I eagerly await her weird results on it as well. If you want to learn more about it, you can click here for a full article of the benefits and how to use it by my favorite youtube doctor, Dr Axe.


So results on the morning of Schmilk day 4? Weighed in at 230 this morning, making it 5.5 pounds down in 3 days of (almost) pure Schmilk. I’m two shakes in today, but will be participating in the grilling tonight, and have everything I need for two shakes tomorrow and a restaurant tomorrow night. To compensate for the restaurant, I bought a small thing of 2% milk to cut down on calories, as I have no idea where we’re going. Oh the joys of group decisions! So until Monday, have a wonderful weekend (and a 3 day weekend at that!)



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