Schmilk Day 2

Day one was interesting. I’m really glad I’ve given myself the time to adjust to schmilk, by doing two out of three meals most days before going full on, because after the last shake yesterday I wanted something to munch on so bad. I wasn’t hungry at all, but my body just wanted crunchies! So instead, I made myself a small cup of decaf coffee and noted that I may need to start drinking herbal tea before bed to get a little something warm and different to end my day with. Roasted barley is probably my favorite for that since it kind of tastes like a cup of warm lucky charms without the marshmallows. That and it’s pretty darn good for you, which you can read more about here.

But how am I doing after the first day you ask? Well, I’m down to 234 this morning, meaning a pound and a half down in one day (granted, a lot of my current weight is inflammation, so it will come off pretty fast in the beginning), and something I’ve noticed is that when I Schmilk, my cravings are pretty much gone. While I *did* want something crunchy last night, that was more of a habit being broken rather than a full on craving. So, that leads me to think that there’s something in Schmilk that I’m not getting in my every day eating…. Need to figure out what that is, for woman cannot live on Schmilk alone. Except for roughly the next 59 days.

keep Drinking

We also went to Body Flow last night which was great. Unfortunately during the very first Tai Chi pose, I pinched a nerve between my neck and shoulder and had a dull ache there the rest of the class, but in the end, it was still lovely. I also had to stare at myself in the mirror for an hour, so that’s helping the “gotta stick to this” attitude. Hubby seemed to enjoy it, though his comment of “Well, it’s not the worst workout I’ve done. I could probably do it twice a day” made me roll my eyes and wonder if he understands that it’s not supposed to be a “kill you fit” class. But he agreed it would be nice to continue once a week, so I continue to have a buddy for at least one day a week.

See you tomorrow!


Schmilk Day 1

So here we go guys! For the next 60 days (give or take a few cheat days because hey! My birthday is coming up!) I’m going full Schmilk. We’re already two out of four today, and I’ve learned leading up to this count down that I am really bad about having 4 meals a day. Heck, I’m really bad about having 3 meals a day, so I make a double in the morning and a double at night. I weighed this morning and was back up to 235.5 *boooo*, but all the more room for Schmilk to shine, right? On top of the weight loss aspect, I was unable to really find a run down of anyone else who did this consistently, so here you go!

Also, hubby agreed to go to one Body Flow class with me a week, so tonight’s the night he tries that out! I went by myself last week for the first time in a while, and oh my god… I hurt for a solid 4 days after that. It wasn’t the best Body Flow I’ve been to, as the instructor kept pausing in between segments to talk about what we were going to do, which ruins the flow aspect. That and a friend invited to me out to sushi right before, so that was extremely unpleasant experience during mountain climbers….

Anyway, keep checking back for updates on the progress!



Apologies to Orenda, and Hello Schmilk

I’ve been gone a while, but not for lack of trying. For some reason up until now, I have been unable to post for whatever reason. But here I am. And the first thing I would like to do is send out an apology for one of the systems I tried. In the past few months of posting hiatus, I learned a lot. Specifically about liver health and leaky gut, and one thing I learned is that when your liver is toxic and you begin to detox it, you are flooded with emotions (usually sadness and anger). So because of this I want to give a big apology to the Clean, Burn, Shape system. It was working so well for me, but I had no idea how bad of shape my liver was in at the time and the detox the CBS put me through was too much too fast for me without having the mental preparation to know what I was going to go through. I’m sure you remember how scary it was for me! Random crying, couldn’t sleep at all, and just so so emotional.


Now that we know that, I’ve been babying my liver and even, dare I say, tried an at home water enima… That was something. Note to anyone trying that, keep some bananas handy as I was really low on potassium when I finished. So what else have I been up to you may wonder? Well, I spent about a month researching leaky gut with resources from Dr Axe along with learning about toxic liver. I learned a lot, I tried some diets that worked for a while, then we hit some financial difficulty and the good food had to go on the back burner. It’s terrible when money prevents good health choices, but that’s life I suppose. So while I was doing wonderful on Dr  Axe’s candida leaky gut protocol, we just couldn’t keep up with the grocery budget.

So one night I got into a conversation with an old friend about Soylent. You may have heard about it, and you may not have, but it’s a meal replacement drink. I looked into it and got really excited about the prospect of not having to spend my days making food, since that’s a big factor in my past departures from getting healthy. I just get so darn hungry and don’t want to spend the hour it takes prepping and baking and waiting because I didn’t have the foresight or time to make my meals ahead of time. But as I looked into it more, I found that it’s sweetened with Sucralose, which as most of you know I am extremely wary of. Any artificial sweetener really. I reached out to the company to see if they had any plans for creating a natural version, but they have nothing at this time.

After getting over being bummed out that once again I was choosing to skip out on what seemed like a nice health product due to their choice of sweeteners, we did a little digging and found Schmilk. It’s just like Soylent, only natural and it’s the first health food/lifestyle change I’ve found that hubby has said he would do with me. The semi down sides include that it has to be mixed with milk and since I haven’t gotten around to making my own almond milk and I don’t like the carrageenan added to store bought, we’ve just been using straight vit D. The other semi down side is that it is, indeed, a subscription service. However, it seems pretty simple to cancel, if that’s what you want, but best part? It costs about $1.25 per meal before choice of milk. So it’s something we’re able to budget and stick with.


I’ve been getting used to it over the past couple weeks, but haven’t made the jump to make it my every meal (4 shakes a day will give you everything you need within a 1200 calorie (1200 if mixed with 1 cup whole milk per shake) day). The taste is like drinkable oatmeal, and I’ve settled on the chocolate as my favorite flavor, as the cinnamon is along the lines of “Big Red gum” cinnamon, not “Cinnamon Toast Crunch” cinnamon (so spicy instead of the normal cooking stuff). Thus why I’m back.

I decided to kick my butt into staying on track this time, so I will be posting every day *fingers crossed* for the next 60 days…excluding weekends to document how it’s working, and let’s be honest, probably complaining about not being able to have “chew food”. Why 60 days you might be asking? Well, that’s halloween and I’m tired of not being happy about how I look in my costumes 😦 I’ll see you all tomorrow for Schmilk Day 1!