No Pity Parties

Well here we go. I started writing a post about two weeks ago when I thought “Hey! Why not do a comparison photo to see how I’m doing?”, which in theory sounds great since I feel awesome, I’ve cut out sugar and non-veggie carbs, and I’m lifting 2-3 times a week. Unfortunately, to my eye, I looked bigger than I did a few months ago! Granted your body morphs and changes as you’re losing weight, but man, I was pretty down on myself after that one. Like when you know in your head that you’re growing muscles and your bloating is way down, but that stupid scale won’t budge and you just feel…gross? Yeah, dem feelz…

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So here I am, my pants are falling off me and I bought a pair of jeans that are another size down. Still a little too tight, but now I have them to work toward. I actually turned down a soda because of them. The other night, I cheated a little on this leaky gut cleanse during a game night we had. A little beer, a few crackers, and all of a sudden my brain is like “Well, if you’re going, go hard” and my eyes landed on a can of Dr Pepper sitting on our counter. But my husband’s words echoed in my mind saying “I may cheat on my diet, but at least I limit the damage I do so it’s not as hard to lose it again later”. And I know, as much as I love soda, it bloats me like nothing else could. Like months of working to get it gone bloat (when I go on a binge for a week or two, that is). So I made myself some lemon water with stevia, and I was fine. Which, by the way, is my new go-to drink.


I am glad that I was able to pass the soda up, though, because just the few crackers I had caused a massive insulin bump under my arm and it’s sooooo painful. Now it’s a waiting game for it to be gone, so in the meantime, just lots of water and protein to keep my blood sugar levels even. But again, I’m feeling good. Tired, very tired, but good. Our new puppy (4 year old puppy, but puppy) is getting me outside and walking 4-5 times a day, and I’m pushing to get myself in the habit of attending bodyflow classes twice a week…starting tonight. I will go this time, I swear! A good sign on the workout front too is that I’ve noticed I’ve started actually sweating during our morning lifting sessions. I almost never would sweat before, which is a super sign of thyroid problems. I’m on the road to recovery!

So that’s it for this post. I’m really trying to be more consistent, but I just can’t bring myself to post when I’m feeling down, because really, no one needs an invitation to my pity party. Just my party-parties. Because those are awesome. Have a wonderful day!