Dem Gainz and Losses

I’ve been faithful (mostly) to this leaky gut plan so far and am down 6lbs! Not quite to where I was at the wedding, but still, it’s great. That and my stomach looks so much flatter since starting, so I’m basically stoked. My problem is I love chocolate, so when the cravings get really bad, I have a spoonful of Nutella, which may be the reason I’ve stalled in my loss at the moment… All sugar is a no no when you think you have Candida. But, it’s only been a little over a week since starting this and I’m determined to see it through.

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On another positive note, my lifting has been fantastic. I’ve never been a big fan of gyms in general, but since weight training I am completely addicted. The other day I went to buy an XL kennel for a dog we’re adopting (which, by the way, we’re adopting a dog!!!), and the lady working there was having issues carrying the things out of the back. I ran over to help and she started to say “Oh! Maybe if we both grab it…” when I lifted it out of her hands and carried it out the door. Yes ma’am, I am that strong. Mainly because I forsake cardio for the sweet bliss of the bench press!

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But seriously, if I can get up almost two hours before I would normally get up for work on a constant basis, then you know I’m addicted. Because of it, I actually was able to buy a shirt that I normally would never have fit into because my arms have always been so large, but since I’m starting to see definition in there, such shirts are no longer out of reach for me.

That’s about it for this post. Hope everyone is finding what works for them and keeping at it! Have a wonderful day and remember, you are amazing!