On a Journey

I have been away for quite some time, as some of you may have noticed, and I am very sorry for not giving warning. It started when my husband and I went on our belated honeymoon (finally!!) for about two weeks, then once we got home, I got really sick for another couple weeks… But about a week ago I got my latest round of blood results back and spent about a day in tears. It felt like once one thing got better, 5 more things just went to shit. My t3 and testosterone were finally in a good range, but she was seeing signs of autoimmune disease and way more problems with my thyroid. She told me to look into Naltrexone and let her know if I was comfortable with trying it. I was not, but she prescribed it anyway saying I should give it a try. I should have gone with my gut because one pill in and I was having severe reactions to it. I’m talking severe stomach and chest pain, nausea (with dry heaving), and then opting to not take the next pill, sweating all night.


As I have said before, if there’s a way I can avoid medicine, I am going to do it. So I prayed about the situation and felt prompted to look up more on leaky gut symptoms. Every stupid thing that has been happening to me is pointing to signs of this. Everything from food sensitivities to malabsorption (vit D and B12 deficient) to moodiness to the acid reflux I have dealt with since MIDDLE SCHOOL to this new autoimmune disease signs! They all point to a leaky gut problem. Moreover, when I was making my own kombucha and drinking it everyday along with fresh sauerkraut, I was feeling amazing! Both are things that help repair and heal your body from this thing. So what is the first thing a girl does when seeking advice and someone to bounce the new possible realization off of? She calls her mom.

Turns out, just a few days earlier, my mom had seen this whole thing by Dr Axe (love him) on the different forms of leaky guy and bought the program. However, she didn’t want to tell me about it, knowing what all I was dealing with anyway and not wanting to add yet another worry on top of it (which makes me sound like a hypochondriac, but I’m really not. I am just always on the look out for explanations as to why I am the way I am and a way to fix it). We both believe this is what it all boils down to, and after taking his test, it looks as if I have a candida leaky gut. This is kind of funny (in a terrible way) because my mom has suspected me of having a candida problem from the time I was about 14, but I could never stick with the program long enough to see a difference. When you’re that young and haven’t experienced the side effects of living with it for long, you don’t care that much. The folly of youth.


But here I am, feeling like I’m just dying a little more every day at 25, so I’m ready to do this thing. It also explains why I rocked my first couple weeks of the Keto diet, only to plateau while my husband kept going down, since Candida thrives on keytones just as it thrives on sugar. Ready to go on the new journey with me?