True Lies

So here’s the thing. I’m actually down a pant size, comfortably in 12s now. We started working out on schedule too and I woke up every time I engaged my stomach muscles last night while flipping all over the bed like one does while unconscious. Unfortunately, most days now when I see myself in a mirror or God forbid someone photographs me, I feel like that fat raccoon you see on funny picture collections. You know, this one:

  • fat racoon

It’s bad. I mean, obviously something is happening for the good! My clothes are fitting better, my Basal Body temp is almost to the normal range (meaning my thyroid is finally kicking into gear), but here I am feeling like the biggest lump to have lumped. What’s up with that?!

So, I’m just upping my water intake again (meaning, I’m making more of an effort to keep a bottle with me. Ps, brb, gotta grab that…), keeping off the scale, and getting in with a personal trainer tomorrow. And by the way, I am terrified of seeing her. I know my body, I know what my body can handle, and I also know that I am a people pleaser to the point that it could probably kill me.

love me

Thankfully it’s only one free session, so hopefully I can explain that under doctor’s orders (um, kinda), I’m supposed to stick to low impact shit without sounding like a lazy ass. There’s a difference between ‘lazy’ and ‘has been sick so many years it has lead to a cautionary state’, but unless you’ve lived it, it’s really hard to see the difference. Like the video of the surgeon I shared last week. He was bitter and hateful and blamed his patient for the state she was in until he started suffering with unknown weight gain. It was only then, and after he learned why it was happening, did he have sympathy for those in that situation.

Anyway, we’ll see. I’m hoping it’s just an evaluation with her asking what I would like to do. I would really rather not be doing the combat ropes and running on the treadmill. I’ve seen a trainer once when I was younger, and they basically just wanted to run me to death. No wonder I have an aversion to seeing her tomorrow. Ugh. I’ll let you know  how it goes. Until then, make good choices for yourself!


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