My Body Can’t Even

I know i haven’t posted in a while, but I didn’t see the point posting the same thing week after week. Saying that I’m eating right for my body, but still not seeing any changes, maybe soon. And while that’s still the case, sadly, I decided to stop a plan for the time being. I’m tired of stressing and making myself feel bad when I don’t stick to it completely. So I loaded my fridge with meats, veggies, and fruits and I just eat when I’m hungry. I grab some fruit when I need something sweet, and have bottles filled with lemon water and a mixture of apple cider vinegar with cinnamon in my refrigerator for when I want something other than water.

We also finally were able to sign up at the gym and are now planning on going at least 3 times a week to get back to weight lifting. Aside from that news, I have been taking my time off from blogging to learn more about PCOS and the contributing factor to the shit that happens to me, which would insulin resistance. It’s a bitch, but learning about it is not just encouraging, it’s like giant lightbulb that is helping me see why everything has been such a struggle my entire life.

Here’s the thing with insulin resistance… When you eat something that spikes your insulin (like yummy yummy bread), your body literally “cannot even” and just sends it off to be stored as fat to use later instead of burning it for energy like it’s supposed to. This, for me, explained why all through my life, every eating plan I tried would crash and burn and end up gaining me 20lbs in a month instead of losing it. I did weight watchers with their easy and convenient frozen meals. Have you looked at the meal selection? Well, 99.9% of them are based around pasta, bread, or potatoes. All insulin spikers. So when that crashed and failed, I went vegan. Cutting out all fatty animal products would surely help lose weight, but when prepping all veggies meals got to be too difficult, time consuming, and just not satisfying, I turned to pastas and tomato sandwiches to satiate my hunger. Worst thing I could have done to my body.

The good news, however, is that studies show that when given time to rest and heal, one could reverse insulin resistance completely. So here I am, doing my best to stop touching the grains and root veggies that cause my body to go full on drama queen, while filling up on proteins when I get really hungry. The good thing about this arrangement is that I’m training myself to stop feeling bad about fueling my body. Everything I reach for is good, except, I will admit, the sodas that I have let myself get back on. It is really and truly my one real addiction. It’s ridiculous.

To to end my long awaited post, here’s a video I came across that is absolutely worth the watch. It’s time to stop blaming the victims and educate.