Just a Quick Update

My family is coming in today! I couldn’t be happier, especially since the hubby is off on a biking trip that will last him until Sunday. I would really prefer not to be alone until then, so thankfully I won’t have to be. This will be the first time they have seen the new apartment, and since they’re my guests, they get to jump on the keto train for the next few days. I just can’t say that it’s a specific way of eating, or else I’ll get a lecture from one of them, no matter how good or filling it is. Oh well, look to the bright side…. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT! Oh man, I missed that. So a stack rented from the library, and now to come up with some snacks.

On the everything else front, I’m the lightest I’ve been since the wedding, and fast approaching my ‘big day’ weight once again. I swear, I worked so hard to get to that 220 mark, just to have it gone in a week of married life. But 2 am donut runs will do that to a girl. So, I’m planning to just wave at it as I pass it on the scale on my way down to 200 flat, then beyond. I swear, this eating plan hubster made for me is magic. I did slip up over the weekend at the wedding, but when there’s an open bar and it’s a million degrees out, you reach for that iced concoction to get you through it, and unfortunately that was loaded with sugar. But those pounds are already gone, and I’m only a couple days behind. Gotta live! But I have to say, my clothes are fitting really nice. Pants that used to be too tight are just snug enough to be comfortable without a belt, and as I said in the last post, I have been able to fit into some dresses that I’ve never been able to before. This is one of the few times in my whole life that I have been encouraged on an eating plan without hitting a solid plateau that then became a slide to adding an extra 20+lbs in addition to what I had lost back onto my person. It has been a terribly frustrating way to live, to say the least.

Now to do a mad rush of cleaning before everyone gets here. Have a lovely day!

4 thoughts on “Just a Quick Update

    • I’m usually ok, with the exception of the strong need for chocolate now and then. As for the old donut runs we would make, now I can’t even look at one without my body bursting into acid. It’s definitely a useful deterrent though…

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