I Can Do it All By Myself…I Think

So I completely failed at the while ‘staying off the scale’ thing this week. But the good news is that I’m down a pound and another inch off my waist from last week even after enjoying a day with my husband at the beer and BBQ festival here! That and adding rice to like every meal for a couple days. But Despite that, I seem to be on a downward trend which is the most exciting thing. What’s not exciting is the pants that were starting to fit without squeezing the stuffing out of me (though if it literally squeezed that out, I’d call them miracle pants) went through the wash and now are trying to kill me again.

The more I wear them, though, the better they get, so it’s all good. But, if my pants don’t kill me, the antibiotics I’ve been on might… I swear, with prescription medicine you just trade one bad thing for another. I have been having the worst stomach pains this last week with these pills, and I feel like I have seen the bathroom more than I have seen my husband since this whole thing started. And while I would have loved to treat this thing naturally, nothing I was doing was working. Thankfully, though, I took my last one this morning, so thank God that shit is done and I can start up my kombucha regimen again to refill the good bacteria in my tummy.
Now I’m just waiting until we get settled in the new place next week to start experimenting with making my own kombucha. It’s a little scary to me, since you’re dealing with fermentation of foods. The last thing i want to do is make myself sick, but the second to last thing I want to do is continue to spend $3/bottle/day on my current solution. That equates to over $1000 a year on just one bottle a day. Yes, it’s well made, and yes it keeps me from messing up and hurting myself, but that’s never stopped me from DIYing things before (much to my hairdresser’s dismay I might add).
So I’ll be spending some time doing research on how to ferment your own kombucha, as well as reading the dos and don’ts from the seasoned pros. And of course, you’ll know about my new venture as it’s happening.
pet kombucha
Other than that, I’m just trying to stay unstressed. Our calendar is booked solid until the beginning of July, and that will probably change here soon with people changing positions at my job leaving us short handed. But no worries. I enjoy the fast paced life. That and I’ve actually started working out which is helping so much. I joined the softball team at work and the practices are killing me, but in the best ways. So until next week, keep being awesome everyone!
better than sorry

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