And On the Seventh Day…Or Thursday

Today begins my rest day. I slept in this morning, grabbed a warm cup of coffee, and slathered my hair in a coconut oil mask. Today is all about relaxing and eating well. I started taking Skinny Fiber to keep from snacking all day and it really helped yesterday! I found another bottle in my trunk (Pretty sure I could find the portal to Narnia in my trunk if I looked hard enough), so that should last me a while! If you haven’t heard of Skinny Fiber, it’s fiber pills, but they promise to be  “…an all natural weight loss supplement that safely and naturally helps you lose weight and balance your system. No caffeine or stimulants, no side effects!” (from their facebook page). I have never taken it consistently enough to see the results they promise, but I do use it when I know I’m not going to be able to eat for a while and it really helps keep me from going crazy once I get to food. Obviously, I did not do this the other night with Mexican… I really should have though. 

nonono! Take the fiber!

nonono! Take the fiber!

So today I find out if I actually get to order that Clean, Burn, and Shape system this weekend or not. I really don’t want to put it on my credit card, but if I have to I will. Unfortunately, my husband didn’t realize his tags were expiring Saturday so now it’s going to cost a lot of money (maybe) to get it licensed here (new state… sigh). I’m so sick of taxes on everything. Why can’t the taxes they take out of your paycheck be enough? Or leave the paycheck alone and keep the taxes on everything else? It just doesn’t make sense to me that we pay tax on literally everything. yet the government is still in crazy amounts of debt. I promise, I’ll stop here, because I like talking about politics about as much as you like reading about them (unless you actually do, then I’m sorry, it just gets my blood pressure up). But the point is we may not be able to pay for the new system without me using credit which I’m doing everything I can to pay off. BUT if this really does work, and can get me to a healthier state in life, I can take the extra payments. Until then, I feel like I need this shirt.

That being said, you know I am trying to get to a better state in life, and you probably are too, but sometimes we get so caught up in what we’re doing that we forget other people are struggling too. Sometimes you feel like you’re the only one who isn’t happy with their body, and need to play ‘keeping up with the Jones’ with your body. But the thing is, sadly, most everyone has things their extremely self conscious about. Buzzfeed did an article called “The Different Pressures People Feel Regarding Body Image”. My favorite is the last one, where she wrote, “People are more interested in me being skinnier than being happier.” You can read the article (really just look at a few pictures. Don’t know if that’s considered an article or not) here:

So remember, everyone is dealing with something. That’s why I find it extremely hard to be mean to anyone, even when they’re being mean to me. You have no idea what they’re going through, or who tore them down today, leading them to the conflict you’re finding yourself in with them. Like this little one

i hate my life

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