Recap, Rant, and Reconsidering

Something I learned yesterday… a vegetable spiralizer is probably the coolest thing I have in my kitchen. I have been wanting one for years, but never got to get one, then we got it for the wedding. I was really excited, but had no immediate use for it, nor did I know how to use it really. But I figured that our yesterday with my jicama and it was awesome! Never again will I julienne onions for burgers! Nope, they’re going in the spiralizer. So easy and cool. Anyway, that aside, the jicama hash for dinner was delicious! (Recipe here: I also picked up and tried that new cashew milk. It’s pretty good as well. It kind of tastes like the milk at the bottom of the cereal bowl. It’s no replacement for actual milk, but since I can’t drink that anymore, I take what I can get.

So today (aside from playing Sims 4 and trying to finish a book I have to finish for a book study that’s tomorrow night…), I have decided to contact my doctor to see what she thinks about this lack of weight loss. While I’m used to the plateau that comes with losing weight, I’m not used to this long of one, and it just doesn’t seem right. I kind of feel like I need to hide away for a month and not go anywhere to make sure I absolutely stick to eating well. While I do, as you know, I have the little indulgences here and there. An angry orchard once a week, some chocolate here and there, and really, other than that, I stick to my plan completely. So what is it going to take to lose the weight? I really don’t want to go back to a pure juicing diet, but that has honestly been the only thing that has ever shown result that stayed off. I just get moody when I don’t have food-food.

It's so frustrating!

It’s so frustrating!

Well, it’s looking like a very short post this morning. I just emailed my doctor, so hopefully I hear back soon. Hope you all have a wonderful day! As always, let me know if there’s anything you want to see on here in future posts. Until then, my scale will probably continue to be like:


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