Caffeine In My Blood System

Out of town today so this’ll be short, but writing via my phone so don’t judge. Auto correct happens to the best of us.

Now, I want to start with a shout out to my wonderful husband for feeding my raging coffee addiction. He can’t stand the stuff, yet he goes out of his way to stop and get me one whenever I want. He even let me get a Keurig with some of the wedding gift cards, and continues to surprise me with new k cups.


You can ask him, this is literally us some nights

You see, I come from a coffee loving family. I’m talking blood in the caffeine system, coffee loving family. I remember my grandma giving me a little coffee in a glass of milk, and over the years I would decrease the milk and increase the coffee (and no, this wasn’t forced on me! You know how kids want to be like the grown ups. I loved it!), and I would sneak my dad’s coffee when he forgot it in the microwave (he would sweeten it with sweetened condensed milk which tasted like mana from the gods to a little girl).

Nowadays I love my coffee black or with a bit of cream like my mom does, but all in all, I just love coffee. And thankfully for me there are studies coming out showing that it can, in fact, be a good thing. Yes, there will always be arguments for either side, but aside from somewhat stained teeth (which I found brushing with activated charcoal once a week or so whitens them up again! Who would have thought?!) I really haven’t had any negative side effects from my consumption. If you’re wondering what these good things are, well you’re in luck! I found an info graph! Yayyyy


But I’m not completely and fully addicted to (just) coffee… there’s also a special place in my heart (and stomach) for tea. But we’ll save that for another post…with another info graph, I’m sure.

So obviously in my food log for yesterday we’ve got some yacon coffee, coffee rubbed bacon from the whole foods deli (it’s so good), a blackberry chia seed pouch from mama chia, a banana, turkey slices, and some terrible grocery store sushi. But when you have a craving, even a bad option sounds acceptable…But it’s not. It’s so very not *shudders slightly*
Have a wonderful day!


Love Yourself Because No One Else’s Opinion Really Matters

Now a few posts ago I said that the scale isn’t changing, but I am noticing changes in my body. Well here’s a comparison picture for you! Two weeks from the left side to the right side. I’m a bit less bloated looking and starting to slim down a bit! But, like I said, it’s only over 2 weeks, and I’m feeling my way as I go, making changes in my diet where needed.


As for the scale, well, I pretty much feel like this cat:


But it’s ok. I’m working on it and myself and it’s all going to turn out well in the end because healthy isn’t a number, it’s a lifestyle. And no number on the scale can ever determine your value as a person, or how beautiful you are. That’s a conversation I have had with so many of my girl friends… When I look at a woman, I don’t think “damn, she’s about 100 pounds overweight”. No, I look at another woman and think “Oh! She looks nice. I wonder where she got that shirt” or “Why can’t my hair ever curl like that?!” or “Her makeup is pretty… I should get a new eyeliner. I miss doing my makeup like that”. If someone is looking at you and judging you based on your weight it’s most likely because they’re hurting about themselves and they feel the only way they can make themself feel better is to put you down. It’s a vicious cycle that is horrible, but sadly still happens. I knew a lady once who had such bad self esteem problems she would tell her beautiful young daughter she needed to go on a diet, and she absolutely did not need that (no, this is not my story. I was hard enough on myself growing up, my mom had to be my support or else I would have gone a way darker path).

You know, some of the most beautiful ladies I know struggle with weight issues, but, health issues aside, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. They are gorgeous, kind, loving ladies, some in relationships, some single, but being fawned over by multiple guys (and in one case, at least, both). They’re talented and fun and funny, but they don’t see their value because they think they need to be skinny to truly be loved. That’s such a lie, and if you’re in that place smack yourself because you are more than your weight.


Now… not really sure where that came from, but I know someone needed to hear it. On a lighter note, we finally went grocery shopping last night. I have basically been on a “$10 until Thursday” diet the past couple days, raiding the fridge for anything that hasn’t gone bad yet. So I had two fried eggs, rice, and some beef for brunch, a frozen Atkins meal, and a tuna pack, couple strawberries, a banana, and an organic agave Kola (best ‘soda’ (carbonated water with natural flavors) ever).

And to end this post, if you’re ever having a ‘fat’ day (to the ladies, sorry gents, I don’t have any tips for you at this time), the best solution I’ve found is make your boobs look amazing. Buy a super push up bra, wear something that makes you look sexy as hell, and maybe even use this trick if you’re feeling fancy!

I’m telling you, this is a great trick to make yourself feel awesome. Try it!

I’ll try to post, but we’re going to see my in laws! Have a great weekend!


Bring on the Warm Weather! No, Seriously. Please?

Trivia team came in third last night! “Bros Before Ho-Hos” was only 4 points from taking the whole thing, but there’s always next week. We’re thinking “Shark of the Covenant” for our name then. You know, it was really nice sitting there and having a group of people walk over to talk to us and start laughing together. One month ago I had none of this and was having a really hard time living in a new city, but finally made an effort to find things to do and go to to meet new people. It has been amazing. I joined a women’s bible study at a local church and have met some fantastic ladies who make me laugh every week, and we have even made plans of joining a sand volley ball league together with our husbands. So if you’re ever feeling lonely, make an effort to put yourself out there because no one will know you’re there if you keep yourself locked away all the time. I highly suggest the app “meetup”, just maybe don’t ONLY hit up the happy hours 😉

On that note I found an article that I wasn’t sure of seeing the title, but it reiterates what I have been saying. It’s called “5 Workouts for Woman Who Hate Exercise”, which usually still consist of crazy workout moves that I still don’t want to do, usually, but this one just gives different things to think about as an alternative (like when I suggested Belly Dancing). You can find that short list here: http://www.skinnymom.com/2014/11/08/5-workouts-for-women-who-hate-exercise. Now, if you’re in an area where you can go canoeing right now, I am extremely jealous. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow… SNOW. I’m ok if this stops any time soon. I miss hitting the pool… But I like this list. The suggestions are low impact and fun, so you really aren’t going to feel like you’re working out, but you will absolutely feel it the next day? Have you ever been on a float trip and paddled a boat? I have. You know what hurts the next day? Basically everything. But it’s so much fun while you’re there.

Me after every workout

Me after every workout

In the meantime, I am trying to find something around the house I can do by myself. While I was really feeling the bike, the seat adjustment just wasn’t…uh… “beneficial” for anything on me. So until we can go get a bike seat that works on my delicate self, I’m thinking ten minute solutions. While they are pretty high impact, they’re only 10 minutes workouts including warm ups, so I can handle that. Then, depending on how I’m feeling probably Leslie Sansone’s walking DVDs or the DoYouYoga channel on youtube. Or both if I’m really feeling it. But like I mentioned before, I have such a hard time being productive (outside my art) at home. Thankfully, we are getting a nice return from our taxes, and will be paying off 3 credit cards with it, so I may be able to talk the hubs into a gym membership for me. It’s RIGHT down the road from me which would be amazeballs (yes, amazeballs. Don’t judge). So, until then…

keep calmYesterday’s log: Wolf chili with steak chunks and raw honey added, a turkey wrap with bacon, mayo, and veggies, slaw, and an angry orchard. om nom nom. I think my husband’s right…I don’t think I’m really eating enough during the day…. It’s too weird a concept to wrap my mind around. We’ll experiment and see how it goes.


Too Busy Making Changes to Find Pictures for This Post

On top of changing my eating habits to more natural foods and cutting out what bothers my body, I’ve also switched to a homemade deodorant and am trying to “no poo” method of shampooing. Not sure how I’m feeling about either at the moment, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give my body a rest from everything for a while. Except… As I’m writing this I realized that the deodorant is bothering me… it’s made with coconut oil (which I’m very allergic to when ingested and causes heart pain) and I have been having discomfort in my chest the last few days. I figured it was something I was eating, but could not for the life of me place it. Now I realize I’m so sensitive to coconut that even being absorbed through my skin is setting me off. Fun… So, so much for that plan, but the no shampoo is interesting so far. I’m curious to see how it turns out after the transition period I’m in now. My hair feels super heavy and this weird mixture of clean and not clean at the same time. Almost waxy. The boar bristle brush I bought is supposed to help speed the transition process, so I will keep you updated on that front.

I was down a pound yesterday, but was back up this morning so looks like I’m breaking through the barrier the cheese was creating, but not quite as fast as I’d like. Though if it was up to me I’d be dropping 2-3 pounds a day. What a world that would be, eh? Maybe at some point. When I find a good eating rhythm and don’t cheat I can usually lose 4-5 pounds a week, then plateau for a week, then back to losing.I just seem to sabotage myself every time, though. I try to add food back in that just doesn’t work, then I get discouraged, then I quit and go ham eating whatever I want, then get mad at myself. It’s a terrible cycle that I am set on breaking this time. That’s why I’m not giving up when I have a dietary slip up. It’s just a meal, and I have to move on to the next healthy choice. Slip ups do not define me.

So yesterday I started a new piece of computer art (I’m an artist, for those who don’t know) and spent the entire day working on it. So much so that I forgot to eat until my husband got home and snapped me out of my trance. That’s when I realized I was famished and ate way more than I should have in one sitting, but it happens. Breakfast was steak, an egg, two slices of bacon, and a fried sweet pepper, then dinner was my husband’s AMAZING fried rice with broccoli and a salmon patty. Have to go grocery shopping tonight because we’re basically out of everything except frozen fish, and he isn’t a fan, though I am.

Now question for you all. Where are you now, and where do you want to end up? Personally, I am happy with myself (in spurts. Hormones can be a bitch sometimes), but I’m not ok with my clothing or health. That’s what spurs me on. I want to wear the clothes that only really look good on size 8 and below, and I want to feel healthy. My biggest goal at this point is getting 100 pounds down, but I would be totally happy just moving from the size 14 I am now to a size 8. Both of those are in the ‘healthy’ range for my height, and it would feel good to feel good about myself. Post a comment on your goal and what healthy choices you are making to get there! I’ll be rooting you on just like every hit on my blog roots me on. Thanks for reading!


Living Au Naturale

You know, I’ve always known PCOS sucked, but the longer I write this blog the more I realize just how much it sucks! When I was first diagnosed at 18 I did a bit of research, but there still wasn’t a whole lot out there about it. Since I have started this journaling process, however, it has led me to look up things I probably wouldn’t have otherwise searched for. That’s how I learned about my sensitivity to dairy… There was always an issue after I would eat something (I would start coughing and clearing my throat really bad because it felt like it would get seriously clogged up), but it would pass after an hour or so, so I would deal with it because, you know… Ice cream! But now it’s looking like the clogged throat was my body’s way of telling me there was a deeper issue. So once again, it seems to not very smart to ignore the signals your body is sending  you.

After having a conversation with my husband about this, we came to the unfortunate fact that I cannot remain on Keto with him. Having an allergy to both coconut and dairy, there is no way I could easily get my fat quota per day to stay in Ketosis… But a close relative of Keto that will allow me all my veggies, fruits, and even some rice is the Paleo diet. It’s not my first choice, stemming from a friend who was on it and was SO mean to everyone who wasn’t on it about their own eating choices (I was Vegan at the time, which I still admire, but there are times I just crave steak… and fish). So on to Paleo it is! And yeah, I know rice is not realllly a thing on Paleo, but it’s not not a thing either, so HA! And I’m going to be honest with you… No matter what eating plan I go to, I will ALWAYS make an exception in it for sushi. Sushi is my absolute all time favorite food. We had our rehearsal dinner at Drunken Fish, and even had a sushi chef at our wedding. Financially, we had to make a ton of cuts to our wedding day, but the one thing I would not budge on was my sushi man, and it was the highlight of the day (along with the cake). You know what, I’m going to post a picture of our wedding cake because it was that amazing. It has nothing to do with todays post, but here complete with Harry Potter themed cake toppers:

Most beautiful cake ever by SugarBelle Cakery https://www.facebook.com/sugarbellecakery

Most beautiful cake ever by SugarBelle Cakery

Back to the Paleo plan! While I am giving up dairy, there are two things I will keep unless it starts really bothering me. I have never noticed an issue with these foods, thus why I’m keeping them. That, and my family just consumes mass amounts of them, so they’re kind of part of my being at this point. Those things are butter and heavy cream. I REFUSE to eat fake shit like powdered creamer, margarine, and artificial sweeteners. Our bodies were not made to process things that were created in a lab (also why I avoid every medication I can). If you use artificial sweeteners, I implore you to do a bit of research as to what is in that stuff (For example, Splenda is chlorinated sugar, and has the same stuff in it that your nail polish remover has. Would you drink your nail polish remover? If so, please, please go get some help…). So stick with the natural stuff. Need a sweetener? I suggest local/raw honey, Yacon syrup, stevia (Not Truvia), Xylitol, or Erithritol. And butter… there’s no substitute. Here’s a cool little info graph I found on that https://www.bulletproofexec.com/butter-infographic/

So remember, even if you don’t like her, Paula Dean was right about one thing.


Yesterday’s log: Half a Quest bar, Yacon coffee, homemade Chipolte-esque steak salad, and leftover cheddar, jalapeño, bacon soup that made me very very sick the rest of the night. Serves me right for eating something I shouldn’t have.


If I Was Normal, I Wouldn’t Have This Blog

It has been weird not blogging this weekend, but it was amazing to see my parents. It’s so hard living so far from them having spent the majority of 23 years under their roof. But we had a fantastic weekend full of walking around. No, seriously, on Saturday we logged 5 miles of just ‘window shopping’ around KC. Well, not so much ‘window’ as ‘shopping’ seeing as we ended up with a brand new office as of yesterday… Oops. We have been talking about getting actual desks since before Christmas, though (I’ve been working from a counter and hubs has been set up on a folding table for the better part of a year). So we finally bit the bullet and bought a couple of nice, yet extremely affordable desks. He even bought me a cute rug to put mine on, so I feel all cozy in my little corner! My parents also were finally able to bring our dressers here so no more living like college kids with piles of clothes all over the floor and in baskets! Now we can live like legit adults with piles of clothes all over the floor, in baskets, AND in dressers. Isn’t it exciting?!


Hahahaha this will never be me *le sigh*

As for my weekend of eating, I had to be guilted into being good at dinner one night. We went to a new restaurant where they had these horrible(y amazing looking) dishes like loaded waffle fries and this ‘candied pecan pork chop’ dish. I’m talking candied pecan crusted grilled pork chops with a caramel sauce on it, which sounds different, yet something I would soooo like to try. But I can’t complain. I ended up with the atlantic salmon topped with steamed asparagus, lump crab and hollandaise with a side of broccoli and wild rice. I will admit, though… I must have been feeling rebellious (which, I don’t *mean* to be, but it comes out) because I did eat a few handfuls of fries along with a half of a beer. I don’t even LIKE beer, but this was brewed in house and tasted like a non sweet, yet not bitter, almost-soda. I know when I do these things that I will regret them later, which I always do, but when you eat differently from people you’re around, you feel almost left out. Like you’re missing something. Even if it’s not that different from others (like my diet now), there’s still this weird sense of loss. I do not blame anyone but myself when slip ups like this happen, and I know I am getting better about them which is great! But I start to feel like every blog post contains something about how I didn’t do well that day, and I hate that.

But on a good and bad note, I may have found why I have been plateauing this hard. I decided to look up things that affect my weight due to the PCOS (because it’s an f’ing stupid nightmare of a condition that legitimately feels like it’s ruining my life)(not to be too overly dramatic there, but it really does affect quality of life which is terrible). Well, fun fact! People with PCOS are negatively affected by dairy products due to the hormones found in milk. THIS IS SO STUPID. Just one more thing to add to recently discovered food allergies. Now we’re up to:

  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Potatoes
  • Coconut
  • Mushrooms
  • Chicken (and probably other poultry too, because why not)
  • Peanuts
  • Cheese
  • Milk
  • Soy

Basically, it is now easier for me to just list the things I actually can eat as opposed to the things that mess with my body.


Now you’re probably wondering how I could go my whole life and not realize that this many things were reacting adversely with my body. Well for one, your body builds up a tolerance, but that doesn’t mean you’re solving the problem. If you have trouble losing weight or just want to find out for the heck of it, I suggest going on a juice cleanse (like the 10-30 day reboot I suggested by Joe Cross) then slowly start adding foods back in. A good guide to help is “Eat Right for Your Blood Type”. While the premise may sounds silly or crazy or whatever, every food that sets me off is on the avoid list for my blood type. The book itself gives explanations as to why some things are bad, but overall it has been spot on for me. That is, aside from the sea food section, or so I’m hoping…

So this is really a journey for me. I am learning so much about myself and my own body, which while extremely frustrating at, well, basically always… I hope will pay off in the long run. If I can get this inflammation and PCOS (with all the lovely side effects that comes with), under control it should save me so many more health issues down the road. My real goal is to not have to take medication as I get older, and to actually get old. Not debilitated and fragile, but old and full of life. That is why I’m doing this.


Plateaus Are For Land Masses and Nirvana

I am kicking myself that I didn’t take measurements when starting this thing. I am clearly losing inches, but the scale is, you guessed it, exactly the same. I don’t think I have ever plateaued this hard. While the numbers are discouraging, I can see a difference. The thought that it is literally impossible for nothing to change if I keep up with this is the only thing really spurring  me on right now. I know my body can be stupid when it comes to weight loss (always has, and that’s why I get so discouraged so fast anymore), but something has GOT to budge. I have too much weight to lose for my body to just stay where it’s at. So, even though it’s hard right now, I have to remind myself over and over that one day soon there’s going to be a huge drop on that scale and I am going to be over the moon, but at the moment, we’re just rebuilding muscle which is weighing the same… *le sigh*

The diet is getting a little weird, though. No worries, I’m still eating well! It’s just getting tough because both my husband and I are enablers. If someone wants something we’ll be like “Yeah! Go for it!” Or in this case I’ll mention some kind of food sounding good, just as an off hand comment, and his reaction is “Oh, do you want it? We can go get it for you!”. Since we’re not strictly on the same diet, I think he is struggling to understand what exactly I *am* eating, and thinks it’s just kind of a loose “whatever, but mostly good” thing. The tough part is he’s so sweet and it’s hard to turn down his offer to get me something when he looks so excited to do it. But I do, in favor of something more health friendly. That way we’re both happy!

While I am getting frustrated with everything, I *am* still eating on plan, which is what matters. We pretty much ran out of veggies a couple days ago and haven’t had time/money to replace them, so I made due with just getting a few more red peppers last night. That leaves me with half a bag of kale, 5 red peppers, and a few avocados. This is going to be interesting to prepare. I’m thinking I will make kale chips today with a side of tuna for lunch! Breakfast will be a Quest bar with my Yakon coffee, and for dinner? Who knows! My parents are coming to visit this weekend, so this will probably be my only post until Monday. Yesterday was Yacon coffee and a Cliff bar, two salmon patties with mayo and craysons, and a steak bowl from Chipolte. That and about 90oz of water! Gotta keep upping that intake!

Oh! And I found something funny yesterday that related to one of my previous posts. I talked about how everyone is different with different body types and genetic makeup, so it’s ridiculous to try to make everyone look the same. I am tall and have a broad build with big boobs and hips, so I will never look like the dainty little girls. Just like the skinny girls will never get my curves. It’s ok! There is someone out there for everyone because not all guys like skinny, and not all guys like the way I look, but neither look has ever been shunned by every single man. Everyone has their preferences. Tangent aside, College Humor posted this video that I thought was kind of funny and true.

So don’t beat yourself up if your friend is able to eat whatever they want, while you feel the need to count calories and hit the gym everyday. Embrace who YOU are, and just be healthy. Not skinny, healthy. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and remember to take care of yourself! There is only one *you* and the world will miss you when you are gone. There will never be another like you, so enjoy yourself and make the world a better place while you’re here.


To Sweat or Not to Sweat, That is the Issue

Wow! Over 100 hits already! Thank you all so much for reading!!!

So I finally pushed myself to do something active yesterday! Aside from belly dancing, I have had no motivation to work out at home, and we can’t afford a gym membership right now. I have always had the mentality that home is for resting, having fun, and enjoying people’s company, but not much else. Even throughout school I could not focus on homework once I was home, so I had to either finish it at school or go to the library. Before getting married and moving out of state, I had a friend who I would walk a few miles with every morning before we had to go to work (even in the snow), and I had a membership to Gold’s Gym where I adored the Body Flow classes (Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates all in one) as well as the cinema room they have (a dark room filled with cardio equipment that plays movies on a big projection screen). Over summer I hit the pool every day I could, but now…. Now it’s a struggle. It’s cold outside and I don’t have anyone to walk with, and though I have a huge collection of workout dvds and the ability to stream them on Amazon Plus and YouTube, I just find myself dreading doing something.

Yesterday I pushed through, though, and road my husband’s bike trainer. It *is* his, though, so it was super awkward and the whole time I was thinking to myself “I am so glad no one can see me right now…”. You see, he’s about half a foot taller than I am, and I’ve always liked my bikes where I could sit on the seat and could still have a steady planting for my feet on the ground. On this beast, I have a full leg extension to push down, so it’s like I’m weirdly running in place in mid air while sitting on something that should probably be buying me dinner first… It’s not a pretty sight.

How I want to look

How I want to look on it

How I probably look on it

How I probably look on it

I actually worked up a pretty good sweat, though, and will try again today. But once he gets home from work, I will have to have him show me how to adjust the stupid seat so I don’t have to deal with this awkwardness tomorrow.

We also made our weekly trivia night yesterday, and I taught me team something new! During the round where every bird was to begin with the letter ‘C’, I excitedly shouted “Flamingo! It’s a Flamingo!” for an answer, and couldn’t understand why they were looking at me blankly. Husband reminded me of the stipulation on the round to which I replied “Yeah, Flamingo has a silent C at the beginning. Obviously!” (For those wondering the actual answer was Crane, which is not as fun of an answer, but more “factual” or something).

Oh yeah! And I almost got food poisoning yesterday. Or I did, but hadn’t eaten enough of it to seriously affect me. Beware the raw beef of unknown age in your fridge… It’s probably older than you think it is. So I didn’t eat much yesterday. Mostly just laid on the couch nauseas with a headache, trying to “toss my cookies” (if only it had been cookies). But this lady has a stomach of steel for better or worse, and I ended up just waiting it out. Thankfully it was only a few bites of the bad meat. More could have been really bad. But I’m alive and well!

So if anyone has questions, comments, or just want to say ‘hey!’, please feel free to post them! Thanks everyone!


Real World vs Eating Plan

Being on a special eating plan is easy when you are home. It’s easy to make everything you need, keep the kitchen stocked with special foods, and avoiding keeping the ‘bad foods’ from being in the pantry. But what do you do when you’re not at home? When you are out in public trying to meet new people? You stick as close to your diet as  you can and pray it works out, I guess. I’m like any person (or normal person I suppose). I don’t have an iron will and as I have said before, if I’m out at a restaurant for some event I feel terrible if I don’t contribute to the business since I’m taking up space in the establishment.

Last night we went to a game night at a restaurant to get to know new people in our area, but unfortunately it was not diet friendly. Hubs and I settled on mozzarella sticks as our contribution, which, compared to our other options, really was not that bad. What was probably NOT the best choice, however, was the Long Island I also drank. I know, I know… but I only had half, so it wasn’t half bad, right? [insert laugh reel here] *sigh* But hey, I’m not getting down on myself. The scale hasn’t gone up, and I have avoided eating bread, sugar, and potatoes this whole time (we don’t count chocolate as a sugar in this household. It is a necessity for living, like fresh water, shelter, and oxygen). The only thing I really worry about is in the next few weeks we have the possibility of hosting some of our out of town college friends. As in still in school… as in they want to play drinking games and eat chips and pizza and stay up until 5am. Do I enjoy weekends like that? Absolutely! It’s a blast! Does my body like weekends like that? Well…My body's reaction to weekend guests... Sorry body!

I think my bank account feels the same

So if that happens I’m making Keto friendly pizza (cream cheese crust is the best thing I’ve found. Very yum, but still can’t get that crispy consistency I love so much…), roasted sweet peppers (check out this recipe: http://www.cheekykitchen.com/2014/09/the-easiest-paleo-appetizer-ever.html), and last time I was able to find a naturally sweetened mixer (check out Zevia. It’s been a lifesaver for this soda addict). As long as I put the time into prepping for this, everything *should* be ok. I hope. Just remember



Keep on Keeping On

No real changes to log today. I feel like I’m looking a bit thinner, but the scale is hovering around the same mark still. My cravings are gone, and bad food doesn’t even sound good anymore. The hubster bought me a couple bags of Lindt truffles the other night and I’ve had a couple, but honestly, I start feeling a bit sick after I have one, so those are getting put away. I’ll just keep having my Yacon sweetened coffee, and if I’m feeling a chocolate craving (which, come on, I’m a typical woman. When they hit, they hit hard) I’ll try a bit of unsweetened cocoa powder in my coffee. Maybe add a little cinnamon? Mmmmmmm….

Just a taste...

Just a taste…

Until then, my daily log yesterday was half a cheese, bacon, onion and green pepper omelet, an apple, and some of those pepperoni ‘fat bombs’. They’re just so good! Oh, and yeah, I had a few of those truffles…. but I did pay for it later with a headache and nausea. No fun. Sorry about the short post today, but the hubs took off work to surprise me (even made me breakfast and offered it to be served in bed. He’s a sweetie). So have a wonderful day and keep on keeping on!